Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience 2008; 6(1): 19-23  
Pharmacogenomic Study of Patients with Depression
Hyeran Kim, Shinn-Won Lim, Doh Kwan Kim
Department of Psychiatry, Center for Clinical Research, Samsung Biomedical Research Institute, Samsung Medical Center,
Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
© The Korean College of Neuropsychopharmacology. All rights reserved.

Objective:Despite the availability of various antidepressants, clinicians managing depressed patients still face two challenges: 40-50% of patients will not respond sufficiently to acute treatment, and 2-6 weeks are required before a medication trial can be ruled a failure. Genetic factors contribute to the phenotype of drug response. The pharmacogenomic prediction of the antidepressant response is one possibility for improving the efficiency of antidepressant treatment.
Methods:Monoamine transporters are the site of action of the most commonly used antidepressants. We established a depressive patient cohort and conducted a series of studies of the association between genetic polymorphisms in monoamine transporters and the antidepressant response.
Results:We found specific associations between monoamine transporter polymorphisms and antidepressant responses, an ethnic difference in the association between 5-HTTLPR and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and the predictive potential of combinations of polymorphisms.
Conclusion:We have conducted pharmacogenomic studies of the antidepressant response for 12 years with the goal of increasing the treatment response to antidepressants for each individual depressed patient. This review summarizes our findings.
Keywords: Pharmacogenomics; Antidepressants; Genetic polymorphism; Serotonin transporter; Norepinephrine transporter.

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