Successful Electroconvulsive Therapy for Tardive Dyskinesia and Tardive Dystonia Refractory to Valbenazine Treatment: A Case Report and Narrative Literature Review
Keisuke Irinaka1, Yu Itoh1, Kazuhisa Yoshizawa1, Masaya Ogasawara1, Naoko Ayabe2, Kazuo Mishima1, Masahiro Takeshima1
1Department of Neuropsychiatry, Akita University Graduate School of Medicine, Akita, Japan
2Department of Regional Studies and Humanities, Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University, Akita, Japan
Correspondence to: Masahiro Takeshima
Department of Neuropsychiatry, Akita University Graduate School of Medicine, 1-1-1, Hondo, Akita city, Akita 010-8543, Japan
E-mail: Received: March 5, 2024; Revised: May 13, 2024; Accepted: June 11, 2024; Published online: August 7, 2024.
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