Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience indexed in CAS, DOI/Crossref, EMBASE, Korea Citation Index (KCI), KoreaMed, Korea Medical Citation Index (KoMCI), PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), SCOPUS, SCI-expanded (SCIE), and Google Scholar:eISSN 2093-4327   pISSN 1738-1088

Cited by CrossRef (5)

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  2. Hugo A.E. Morandini, Prue A. Watson, Parma Barbaro, Pradeep Rao. Brain iron concentration in childhood ADHD: A systematic review of neuroimaging studies. Journal of Psychiatric Research 2024;173:200
  3. Sara Hassan Omar. Brain-Iron Cross Talk. 2024.
  4. Stephen D. Elliott, Mark L. Vickers, Gemma McKeon, Lars Eriksson, Eva Malacova, James G. Scott. Iron Supplementation in Management of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Qualitative Synthesis. JNP 2024;36:178
  5. Rehab M. El-Sayed, Eman Saad Alamri, Mohamed H. ElSayed, Ohod S. Alshehri, Afnan E. Altawil, Manal S. Fawzy, Sawsan A. Zaitone. Role of Vitamins and Nutrients in the Management of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Narrative Review. 2025;4